The traditional fast food ketchup packet has remained virtually unchanged for many years. The art of opening them correctly is complex and requires many years of intense training and practice.
Or you just follow the printed instructions! "Tear Here"
Major chains always have Heinz ketchup, (the Dom Perignon of ketchup, IMO) and the ends are serrated to make them easier to open. The major mistake people make when opening ketchup is to just tear the package without removing a portion of the packing!
Start with clean, dry hands. Greasy fingers slip. Flatten the top of the package so the contents squeeze to the bottom away from the top corner. Tear from the center to the side along the dotted line--a smaller tear gets you a more focused stream.
To maximize output, position the opening over your target, hold the bottom edge and flatten the end with thumb and forefinger of other hand and slide up until all the ketchup is out.
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