Wednesday, March 18

McDonald’s lettuce growing billboard

Green lettuce was planted on a specially designed billboard to form the words “fresh salads.” The ad first appeared in Chicago 2007 as part of a McDonlads promotion for their fresh salads.

Most reports say the salad sign held up well since bird and other potential pests didn't have a place to perch to bother
most of the plants.

Salads at McDonalds are always weird, weirder if they have chicken in them. Newmans Own dressings still getting top billing for the salads, too. Wondering if this salad craze will last through the value meal wars.

Thursday, March 12

Those Naughty Carl's Jr marketing guys

Check out this text from an online coupon from Carl's Jr promoting the newest Green Burrito item, the Crispy Burrito. (Otherwise known as a chimichanga)

Oooh look, they swear!

&^%$-load of seasoned ground beef,"

Feeling a little crabby?
Having one of those days where everything makes you want to say $#%&? Maybe it's because you're getting hungry in between meals, which can make guys a little &^%$%* crabby. If this sounds like you, head over to Carl's Jr.® and try the new Green Burrito® Crisp Burritos as the perfect in k. Sound like a good deal? You bet your @$$!

Coupon Link

Wednesday, March 11

Belly Up to The Whopper Bar

Cool new flagship store idea from BK.

The creepy 'King plans to open several more coming year, although most will be in destination places like City Walk in Orlando, Florida, Munich, Singapore, and Los Angeles.

Company says it would be a good concept for cruise ships, casinos or stadiums.

Better idea than Whopper Virgins...

Thanks dangerboy!